Dental Fillings

Due to the experience of our doctors in the dental field, with a reasonable cost compared to other countries, tooth filling and implantation in Turkey is the goal of many people when visiting Turkey.

Dental fillings and prosthodontics are used to replace the natural tooth structure after it has been damaged and broken as a result of tooth decay. Our primary goal in applying dental fillings is to repair your teeth to return to their previous shape, as well as to restore their full function.

To clarify the matter further, it can be said that the most common method of treating tooth decay in Turkey is to remove the rotten parts of it, and then fill it with a compensatory material for these parts.

What are dental fillings?

Dental fillings in Turkey are done by resorting to a dental restoration material, the type of which differs with the difference in the problem that the tooth suffers from and its location. However, dealing with the front canines differs from dealing with the molars.

We have to know that fillings cannot save a tooth that has been severely damaged and there is no intact dentin or enamel left of it, and here we resort to compensation with dental prostheses, such as the installation of crowns, and even complete dental implants according to the extent of the damage to the patient’s tooth.

Therefore, we should take care of our teeth and their cleanliness, and do a continuous periodic examination of them. At Opal Dental Clinics, we are pleased to provide you with free consultations in this aspect, and in all aspects related to dental treatment in Turkey.

What do we need to use dental fillings?

As mentioned earlier, dental fillings and fixtures are used to treat tooth decay, which means harming and weakening the tooth structure due to cavities caused by caries.

As for the cause of these cavities, it is due to the effect of the acidic bacterial waste present in the mouth, which usually feeds on leftovers.

On the other hand, tooth decay is a very common problem among people, and some reports have indicated that more than 90% of people suffer from some cavities at some point in their lives, and yet this may not be the only reason for resorting to dental fillings and dental fixtures.

Nail biting, squeezing the teeth, and eating hard nuts may also lead to breakage and harm to the teeth, just like the effect of the Nail file on the nails… Continuing with these negative practices is bound to end up with a problem for our teeth, and neglecting them will exacerbate them.

What are the steps involved in dental filling in Turkey?

Below are our steps followed in Opal Dental Clinics for dental treatment in Istanbul:

  1. Local anesthesia: The treatment area is locally anesthetized, by the dentist injecting an anesthetic into the gums.
  2. Drilling the affected tooth: The doctor uses a drill, abrasive tool, or a laser to remove the decayed material from the tooth.
  3. Examination after drilling: The dentist must examine the infected tooth and its cavity, to ensure that all decaying materials are removed.
  4. Filling area cleaning: It is imperative to clean the filling area, in order to remove bacteria and remaining debris from the cavity of the affected tooth. Your doctor may ask you to spit it out to protect your digestive system from harm from the bacteria.
  5. Protecting the nerve from infection: If the tooth decay reaches the root, the doctor may place a lining made of special materials that protect the nerve from being affected. If the nerve is inflamed, filling the nerve and root canal treatment is the most appropriate option.
  6. Filling the infected tooth: After the tooth has been drilled and cleaned appropriately, filling materials are placed in the tooth, and sometimes light is highlighted on the filling to make it more robust.
  7. Removing excess material: This should be done so that the texture of the filling is exactly like the original tooth.

What are the types of dental fillings?

There are many types of dental fillings in Turkey, including:

1-  Gold fillings

It is the most effective because it is non-corrosive and strong enough to withstand chewing, in addition to its relatively long life compared to other fillings, and of course, it has some drawbacks.

Cost for sure! Its cost may reach nearly 10 times the cost of other fillings, and its golden color does not appeal to many.

2-  Silver fillings (silver amalgam)

It is one of the most common fillings, with low cost, long life, and good durability. The silver amalgam filling consists of several metals, including tin, zinc, copper and mercury, but its black color makes many people refrain from using it.

3-  Plastic fillings

Their white color which is similar to the color of natural teeth, is what attracts people most to them. However, the life of these fillings is relatively short compared to silver fillings, in addition to being affected by some stains such as coffee, tea and smoking.

4-  Porcelain fillings

These fillings are durable and cosmetically attractive, their color is similar to the color of natural teeth, and they are resistant to staining and erosion, but they are expensive compared to some other dental fillings.

5-  Vitreous fillings

They are fillings made of a mixture of glass and acrylic, but they are relatively weak, so they are usually used for young children whose teeth are still developing.

Through our consultants at Opal Dental Clinics in Turkey, you can choose the right dental filling for you, after fully knowing the pros and cons of each type.

What are the prices of dental fillings in Turkey?

Dental filling prices and costs vary according to the materials used in the filling, the condition of the affected tooth and the damage caused to it.

Some teeth need simple fillings, and some need to pull a nerve and install crowns if the tooth is severely eroded, with the destruction of the dentin and enamel layer.

Dental filling prices in Turkey depend on several factors, including:

  • Number of affected teeth: The cost of treating one tooth cannot certainly be compared to the cost of treating three teeth.
  • The nature of the materials used: amalgam fillings are the least expensive, while golden fillings are the highest in price, followed by porcelain fillings.
  • The location of the affected tooth: the prices of filling the back teeth are slightly higher than the cost of filling the front teeth.

We are always working hard to be the best dental center in Turkey. We at Opal Dental Clinics are constantly striving to provide the best services with the best prices.

Finally, we all have to know that any problem often starts very small, but neglecting and ignoring it will only lead to be big, and this is exactly the situation we have in dental treatment in Turkey

In the beginning, you may need a simple dental filling, but with the passage of time without treatment, we may end up with a nerve filling and the installation of crowns and supports that could have been bypassed through early detection and prevention of its causes.

Providing our services with transparency to everyone who visits Opal Dental Clinics is our permanent goal that we have imposed on ourselves.

Our specialty is to provide medical services in Turkey, so do not hesitate to visit us and ask for medical consultation. Let’s work together to develop an appropriate treatment plan that fits your time.

Edited by: Opal Dental Clinics©


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